Mar 19
Este artículo en Inglés, de Vicenç Navarro en la conocida revista Counterpunch en Estados Unidos, enfatiza la importancia de comprender la distribución del poder entre sus clases sociales para así poder comprender las enormes limitaciones del sistema democrático estadounidense, así como la reproducción del racismo en tal país y su déficit social. También señala la enorme concentración de poder político en la clase corporativa dominante a costa del desapoderamiento principalmente de la clase trabajadora, que, contrariamente a lo que indican los establishments políticos y mediáticos, continúa existiendo y es la clase más grande en los EE. UU.
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Feb 07
2023 was the 50th anniversary of the military coup in Chile led by General Pinochet against the democratically elected government presided over by Salvador Allende, which had an enormous negative impact on the health and well-being of the majority of the Chilean population. The objective of that coup was to replace the Chilean National Health Services and the reforms of that government to expand universal access to healthcare to the whole population (benefiting primarily the majority of the population. i.e., the popular classes) with a private for-profit and market-oriented system as existed in the United States whose government, led by President Nixon, supported the coup, because they were afraid that the Allende reforms could spread to other Latin American countries. The consequences of that event were extremely negative not only for the Chilean population but also for many other countries in the Americas, including the United States.
The anniversary of those events passed without notice in the U.S. Not so in many other countries. One of the largest medical journals on both sides of the North Atlantic, the Lancet, based in Great Britain, invited me, who had the privilege at the time of those events of advising President Allende and had written extensively about the health policies carried out by his government, to write a brief paper on the major issues that should be remembered from that event. One thing that needs to be clarified is that the major forces behind the coup were the Chilean national and international corporate business interests and the privileged classes that opposed the redistributive policies of the Allende government in favor of the interests of the popular classes. Another important clarification is that it was not the United States but rather the U.S. government, specifically the Nixon administration, who actively supported that military coup. The United States was not then and is not now, a country of 300 million imperialists. The majority of the popular classes in the United States were very displeased with the model that Pinochet and Nixon wanted to apply in Chile. They have firsthand experience with the polls showing a high percentage of people dissatisfied with private, for-profit, market-oriented health services. And there was considerable sympathy among US public health experts towards many of the health reforms Allende implemented, including the public health measures that had been subject to special repression by the dictatorship. The American Public Health Association denounced the brutal repression that the public health community was subject to by the dictatorship with some impact on obtaining the release of well-known Chilean public health professionals detained in concentration camps and prisons. All these things have been forgotten in the major media in the U.S., including the medical media.
You can follow this link to the article in the Lancet in case you are interested.
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Aug 23
En Estados Unidos está creciendo el movimiento de liberación de las minorías y muy especial de las Afroamericanas, que está teniendo gran impacto en la vida política del país. Resultado de su creciente madurez, existe la percepción de elementos importantes de tal movimiento, de que es necesario aliarse con otros movimientos de liberación para poder actuar conjuntamente y conseguir una mayor transformación más profunda de la sociedad. Ello conlleva la necesidad de establecer espacios políticos de coalición que tengan elementos en común como la clase social. El modelo es el movimiento Arcoíris “Rainbow Coalition” fundado por Jesse Jackson, discípulo predilecto de Martin Luther King, que unió los distintos sectores de la clase trabajadora de aquel país perteneciente a distintos grupos sociales, políticos y culturales. Tal coalición casi ganó las primarias del partido demócrata de 1988.
This article published in Portside on August 8, 2023, by Vicente Navarro helps to clarify that the current dichotomy of race or class as the major focus for the development of progressive strategies for change has serious limitations, Jesse Jackson showed that all the discriminated and exploited sectors of the working population of the U.S. need, besides fighting for their liberation, to ally themselves in broader coalitions asking for profound changes that will benefit all of them. It is not, therefore, race or class but rather race and class. This is how the first call for Universal Health Program put forward by Jackson’s Rainbow Coalition almost became part of the Democratic Party platform of 1988 and that is also why, later on, the Clinton health care task force reforms of 1992 failed.
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Mar 06
Article by Vicente Navarro published in Counterpunch on the 6th of February, 2023.
This article describes the enormous limitations of the democratic system in the U.S. that has facilitated the growth of Trumpism.
Read the article in Counterpunch.
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Dec 12
Article by Vicente Navarro, published in Counterpunch, on the 12th of December, 2022.
This article explains the causes of the growth of Fascism and Nazism, from the 1930s, during The Great Depression, until the present day. It also includes the growth of Neo-Fascism and Neo-Nazism movements that occurred during The Great Recession and afterward due to the application of neoliberal policies by the governments on both sides of the North Atlantic, including in countries with very different (quasi-opposite) political traditions, such as Sweden (with a historically strong labor movement) and the U.S. (with a historically weak labor movement). The article also focuses on the consequences of this growth, representing a serious threat to democratic institutions and to the well-being and quality of life of the majority of their populations.
Read the article in Counterpunch.
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Aug 09
Political economy, USA, Welfare State, Europe, International, International, Neoliberalism and Globalization, Spanish Politics, Political Transition, Political Transition, USA
This article by Professor Navarro published in the International Journal of Health Services shows the enormous importance of the category social class, besides race and gender to understand the political, social and health situation of the United States.
You can download the PDF here
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