Mar 11

A Counterpunch Special Report

Yes, We Can! Can We?

The Next Failure of Health Care Reform


A major problem–if not the major problem–for many people living in the U.S. is the difficulty of accessing and paying for medical care when they are sick. For this reason, candidates in the presidential primaries of 2008–the Democrats more often than the Republicans–have been recounting stories about the health-related tragedies they have encountered in meetings with ordinary people around the country (an exercise conducted in the U.S. every four years, at presidential election time). Continue reading »

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Jan 01

The European Journal of Public Health Advance Access published June 4, 2008

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Apr 30

International Journal of Health Services, Volume 37, Number 1, Pages 1-14, 2007

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Sep 30 Published online, September 2006

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Dec 30

(En co-autoría con John Schmitt y Javier Astudillo). Cambridge Journal of Economics, 2004, Vol 28

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Sep 20

International Journal of Health Services, Volume 34, Number 1, Pages 87-99, 2004

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