Dec 12
Article by Vicente Navarro, published in Counterpunch, on the 12th of December, 2022.
This article explains the causes of the growth of Fascism and Nazism, from the 1930s, during The Great Depression, until the present day. It also includes the growth of Neo-Fascism and Neo-Nazism movements that occurred during The Great Recession and afterward due to the application of neoliberal policies by the governments on both sides of the North Atlantic, including in countries with very different (quasi-opposite) political traditions, such as Sweden (with a historically strong labor movement) and the U.S. (with a historically weak labor movement). The article also focuses on the consequences of this growth, representing a serious threat to democratic institutions and to the well-being and quality of life of the majority of their populations.
Read the article in Counterpunch.
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Jan 15
Professor Navarro suggests the reading of this article. This article shows the relationship between class, race and gender exploitation, showing the need to establish political movements that are united in their opposition to all forms of exploitation. The article demonstrates that the countries that have reduced class, race and gender differentials most significantly are the countries, governed by coalitions of progressive parties historically rooted in the workers’ movements. The absence of such parties explains the enormous race, class and gender differentials in the United States. Published in the International Journal of Health Services, Vol. 50.3, pp. 253–263, 2020.
To read the article you may access this link.
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Apr 11
Article by Vicente Navarro published in Counterpunch on the 11th of April, 2019.
The article analyzes the growth of populism on both sides of the North Atlantic.
Read the article in Counterpunch.
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Apr 20
Interview to Professor Navarro published on the BARCELONA GRADUATE SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS blog “The Barcelona GSE Voice”, April 17, 2015.
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Jan 13
Political economy, Welfare State, Europe, Europe, Neoliberalism and Globalization, Neoliberalism and Globalization, Catalan Politics, Spanish Politics, Political Transition, Spanish Politics, Political Transition, Welfare State
This article was written by Professor Navarro and published by the American magazine CounterPunch. It explains the historico-political context which has given rise to the appearance of Podemos in the country’s political spectrum. CounterPunch is the magazine with greatest circulation within the American progressive media. Professor Navarro writes in this publication quite frequently.
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Jan 01
Article published by Professor Navarro in the INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEALTH SERVICES, January 2014.
The literature on the causes of the current financial and economic crises often fails to consider both the causal role of the conflict between capital and labor, and this conflict’s continued effect. This article analyzes the evolution of the conflict and its implications for the distribution of income during the post-World War II period. Especially emphasizing the relationship between the U.S. and European economies, it examines the genesis and development of the governing structures of the Eurozone as determining factors in the increasing gap between capital and labor. The history of the European economic trajectory and the current German financial leadership provide important context for the analysis. Evidence is provided that this conflict between capital and labor is at the roots of the current financial and economic crisis, a thesis has been dramatically underexposed in the current scientific literature.
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