A causa de la gran limitació de veus crítiques als principals mitjans d'informació a Espanya (incloent-hi Catalunya), el blog del Professor Navarro aconsella que els lectors el distribueixin àmpliament.

mar 07

Article publicat per Vicenç Navarro a la revista Social Europe Journal, 10 de febrer de 2012

Aquest article critica la postura molt generalitzada en cercles econòmics, financers i polítics espanyols que neguen la possibilitat que Espanya pogués seguir polítiques expansives. L’article està publicat a Social Europe Journal, un dels centres digitals de reflexió sobre temes econòmics i polítics més importants d’Europa.

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feb 14

Published on Counterpunch, 2/13/08

I live on both sides of the Atlantic–part of the year in the where I was born. I had to leave Spain because of my active participation in the anti-fascist underground against the Franco dictatorship in the 1950s. I lived for a while in Sweden and Great Britain, and finally settled in the U.S.A., teaching (as I still do) at the Johns Hopkins University. I have been active in U.S. academic and political life for more than 35 years. I was senior advisor to Jesse Jackson Sr. during the Democratic Party primaries of 1984 and 1988. Continueu llegint »

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feb 04

Challenge/January–February 2008

Vincent Navarro and John Schmitt

Many obser vers argue that recent votes unfavorable to the European Union are the result of specific factors in each country. The authors argue there is a more central problem. The European social model has been seriously undermined, partly because of budgetary agreements of the EU and a zealous European Central Bank.

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ago 30

Vicenç Navarro i John Schmitt. International Journal of Health Services, Volum 35, Número 4, Pàgines 613-630, 2005

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